While the creators of provocative shows such as The CW's Gossip Girl insist, "You need to put something down that's seductive and sophisticated" in order to retain young audiences, Disney's High School Musical Series is proving in Nielson ratings that its competitors are missing the mark.
When HSM2 premiered on the Disney Channel in August of 2007, it received more than 17.2 million viewers; making the family friendly movie, at the time, the most-watched basic-cable telecast in history. Two DVDs, a trophy case full of Emmies, and hundreds of millions of dollars later, the creators of High School Musical 1 & 2 are preparing for their third installment to hit theatres nationwide on October 24. Not giving into Hollywood's typical formula for films starring teens, HSM3 has earned a G-rating and begs the question, "Can a clean flick accurately portray today's adolescents?"
"I suppose it depends on where you live, but...
| Why is Hollywood so fake?
Great question. You call it 'fake,' we call it 'movie magic.' Our job is to entertain you, to lift you above and beyond the collapse of the stock market. So we find beautiful people to play heroic parts. Sometimes we alter their looks through hair, make up and the occasional plastic surgery. But that is no different than an athlete working out or a piano player practicing their scales. For actors, their body and persona is the product....continued
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- For the film FIREPROOF, Kirk Cameron , a Christian evangelist, refused to kiss any woman other than his wife. To film a scene in which his character in this movie kisses his wife, the filmmakers had to dress Cameron's real-life wife, Chelsea Noble , as the wife character (played throughout the rest of the movie by Erin Bethea ) and shoot the kissing scene in shadow so the difference between Noble and Bethea would not be as evident on screen.
- Instead of a fee for starring in the film FIREPROOF, Kirk Cameron accepted a donation to his charity, Camp Firefly.
- FIREPROOF made in nine days what Sherwood Pictures' previous movie, Facing the Giants (2006) made in its entire four-month run.
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