Title: U2 3D
Directors: Catherine Owens and Mark Pellington
Official Site:www.U23Dmovie.com
For over a quarter-century, U2 has been recognized not only for their musical innovation, but for their incomparable gift for reaching millions of fans through new technologies. U23D - the first digital 3D, multi-camera, real-time production - reflects the band's longstanding embrace of technology and its belief that U23D has the potential to revolutionize digital 3D technology. Marrying advanced digital 3D imagery and 5.1 Surround Sound with the unique excitement of a live U2 concert, U23D takes viewers on an extraordinary cinematic journey, a quantum leap beyond traditional concert films.
Bono, Larry, Adam and The Edge lived among us. On rare occasions, we caught a glimpse of them. Maybe a shadow, an outline. But wherever they walked, U2 left a big impression. We'll tell our grandkids about these four gentle giants.
One of the stranger, more elliptical verses in the Bible comes in Genesis 6:4: "There were giants in the earth in those days." Somehow I don't think that refers to dinosaurs. But what does it mean? People were bigger then? They walked with more presence? Carried themselves differently? I never understood that verse until I saw U2 in 3-D.
The sheer magnitude of what they have accomplished overwhelms me. How can four rather modest Irish gents galvanize an audience with such authority? How did four rich, spoiled rock stars remain grounded enough to stick together, to create something much larger than themselves? How can God raise up such unlikely prophets? Their career and back catalogue is a miracle we've all been privileged to witness.
I saw them in Atlanta during their Unforgetable Fire tour. They sang "Pride in the Name of the Love" on the same day they talked with Martin's widow, Coretta Scott King. I saw them in Los Angeles during the Zoo TV tour. What an overwhelming audio visual experience. And yet the most memorable U2 show I have experienced occurred in a movie theater, watching them projected in 3-D.
The size, the scope, the intensity of their concerts comes alive in this cinematic breakthrough. I feared that the technology would prove distracting. Visions of plastic glasses with red and blue lenses danced in my head. But U23D is wholly unlike any three dimensional movie we've ever seen. The images are so tactile, the sound is so crisp, that it literally puts viewers onstage, bouncing with the band.
U23D documents a stadium show in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Vertigo Tour includes songs from "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" like "Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own" and "Love and Peace or Else." But the core of the concert is U2's greatest hits. It is a "Thank You" to their fans, a literal valentine.
Congratulations to directors Catherine Owen and Mark Pellington for resisting the temptation to indulge in camera tricks. They trust the music to make its own provocative case. After the initial "wow" factor, I settled into my seat for a powerful musical experience. The editing is smooth, the use of fades and dissolves quite compelling. U23D effectively incorporates the visual elements from the stage show, especially the graphics and lighting. There are dramatic highlights that took my breath away and reduced me to tears. U23D brings it all back home.
U2's best songs still sound remarkably prescient. "Sunday Bloody Sunday's" shouts of "How long?!" are unfortunately relevant today. "Bullet the Blue Sky" is all too apt for Iraq. Bono straps on a headband that urges us to "Coexist." The cooperation of the Abraham faith traditions - Jews, Christians, Muslims - is more necessary than ever. If we refuse to build bridges, that headband will become a blindfold, an accomplice to terror. "Miss Sarajevo" rises as a tender ballad and a desperate prayer. U2 upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a timely reminder to us all.
The latter half of the concert pulls out classics like "Where the Streets Have No Name", "One," and "With or Without You." They sound more like heavenly visions, biblical psalms, with each passing year. Kudos to producer Sandy Climan and the 3ality team that put together this awesome fusion of sound and fury.
U23D premiered at the Sundance Film Fest and is now playing at an IMAX theater near you.
To learn more about the connection between Christianity and U2, check out the book Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2 by Steve Stockman.
Book Description
One of the world's leading voices of faith and social activism also happens to be one of its biggest rock bands. The members drink, smoke and swear - yet a radical biblical agenda and faith fuel their life and work. Welcome to the dichotomy of U2.
This revised version of Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2 picks up where the first edition left off - amid the cathartic atmosphere of the post-9/11 Elevation tour that ushered in the aggressive spirituality of 2005's Vertigo tour. It explores the controversy surrounding the deep-rooted religious themes of the band's music and the outspokenness of their lead singer, Bono. Moreover, it is a spiritual companion to their albums, exposing the real meaning behind many of their songs and performances.
From the group's beginnings in Dublin's Shalom Christian Fellowship to their arrival as the world's greatest rock band, Walk On shines a spotlight on the very real struggles and triumphs of the band members' Christian faith. How has Bono transformed from a rock god to a key ambassador on the world stage? Why is the Church that once shunned U2 now claiming them as its own? More than two decades into worldwide success, have the boys from Ireland actually found what they're looking for? Join author Steve Stockman in pouring over more than 20 years of interviews, analysis and insight in an unparalleled quest to answer the burning questions everyone wants to know.
About the Author
Steve Stockman is a Presbyterian Chaplain at Queen's University in Belfast. He is a regular speaker at universities, college conferences and festivals across the world, and he has his own radio show on BBC Radio Ulster. He is married to Janice and has two daughters, Caitlin and Jasmine.