People always ask me, "Why does Hollywood turn out so many loud,
abrasive, empty-headed movies?" Do movies have to insult our
intelligence? Can't we find something life-affirming instead of
soul-draining? The studios suggest that they simply supply what
audiences want. If we supported smaller, independent films loaded
with heart and soul, we'd get more of them. Here comes one golden
From the opening strains of "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" through
the rousing finale of "Yes We Can Can," YOUNG @ HEART makes audience
laugh, shout, and celebrate. This inspiring documentary follows the
rehearsals of a geriatric choir (average age 80!) in Northampton,
Massachusetts. The senior citizens acknowledge God, celebrate the
power of prayer and put their faith into action. An emotional
highlight of the film occurs at the Hampshire County Jail. The chorus
performs Bob Dylan's "Forever Young" (link to this scene on YouTube at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82mwhSyHbow&feature=related) with such
depth of feeling that even the most hardened prisoners sit in
respectful silence. It is both a life affirming comedy and poignant
drama. For moviegoers of all ages, eager to laugh and cry, Young @
Heart arrives as the brightest film of 2008. It will keep you forever