Dear Dr. Film,
"What is the point in supporting movies as a church? How does going to the movies in theaters really influence what films Hollywood makes?"
While some producers make films for ideological reasons, the vast majority approach entertainment as a business. They simply respond to the marketplace-what they think audiences want to see. Hollywood was surprised when a story of a chaste Christian girl starring Mandy Moore (A Walk to Remember) trounced a road trip tale with sex and partying starring Britney Spears (Crossroads). They underestimated their audience and its taste.
Two smaller, independent productions became unexpected hits. The faith-fueled filmmakers behind Facing the Giants and Bella reached a niche audience that loved these earnest movies. Bella's $3 million budget was met by a surprising $8 million return. The micro-budgeted football film Facing the Giants achieved its own David versus Goliath story, earning $10 million, (a 100 to 1 return on investment!). Will others follow suit?
When Christians who showed up in huge numbers for The Passion of the Christ but failed to support The Nativity Story, many studios assumed that the faith community did not want to see more biblically informed stories. If Christians support certain movies, Hollywood will make more of them. The power resides with the people.
Another important factor in influencing Hollywood's decision making is timeliness. Films are often deemed hits or misses on their opening weekend. So the recent 'under performance' of initial box office receipts for The Chronicles of Narnia sequel, Prince Caspian, colored subsequent perceptions. Prince Caspian may enjoy a long and profitable run, but it will likely be remembered as a slight financial disappointment. If there is a movie you want to support, it is always best to go opening weekend-when Hollywood decision makers are paying closest attention.
Dr. Film is a one of the few doctors licensed to marry, bury, baptize or direct a feature film. Craig Detweiler blogs about media and ministry as "Dr. Film" (www.conversantlife.com/blogs/craig+detweiler/). As a filmmaker (www.purplestateofmind.com), Craig's perspective from inside the Hollywood system will help you understand what your congregation is watching and why. Whether you're looking for a solid sermon illustration or an answer to a trivia question, ask Dr. Film at newsletter@gracehillmedia.com.