The Hollywood Prayer Network, or better known in town as HPN, is a grass roots ministry by and for the people in the Hollywood Entertainment Industry. HPN has been in existence since July of 2001. We have grown from just an idea in 1999, to a ministry where three part-time staff people and many volunteers are mobilizing thousands of Christians, in America and many foreign countries, to pray for the people in the entertainment industry who influence the world. We now have almost 900 "I to I " Prayer Partnerships, where a Christian outside of Hollywood prays for one Christian media professional in Hollywood. We have our on-line HPN kids prayer calendar, wristbands that say 90028 - the zip code for Hollywood, reminding young people to pray. We've distributed over 15,000 TV Remote Prayer Stickers that go on a TV Remote, reminding people to pray while they're channel surfing. We have produced two DVD documentaries sharing the vision of the importance of prayer for Hollywood and have distributed over 15,000 of those around the world. The first DVD was a 15 minute doc called "The Hollywood Crisis" and then two years ago we produced an updated version, believing that Hollywood is no longer a "crisis" but a "tribe" and it that has 90 minutes worth of stories, interviews, and information on all of the Hollywood ministries. It's entitled "The Hollywood Tribe."
Our most recent exciting event was the 15th annual National Day of Prayer celebration on May 1st, 2008. This year we partnered with The Beacon Fellowship and held the event at Bel Air Presbyterian Church. Industry professionals gathered together to pray for the Entertainment Industry and our nation. We also partnered for the first time with the National Day of Prayer Task Force out of Colorado Springs and they financed a satellite feed of our whole event to their other major national prayer events and we got to let the rest of the country know that Hollywood was also praying with them and for them. It was to us, a breakthrough event that let us know that the rest of America is acknowledging the entertainment industry as a legitimate industry, but also a place to pray for and not to ignore or hate. We were thankful for that partnership with the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Hpn has been featured on over 25 American and British radio shows, and 10 TV news programs, including "Good Morning America", ABC news, Fox News, CNN, etc. We believe our growing visibility comes from our singular purpose to PRAY. We mobilize prayer, encourage prayer, give tools and tips on how to pray and unify Christians to PRAY for the people, the projects and the issues in the global entertainment industry. We are so thankful for the growing response. Our greatest joy is to hear people say, "Wow, I could pray for Hollywood, I never thought of that!"
Please join the Hollywood Prayer Network and either pray for us or let us pray for you. Just go to our website at: www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org and click on JOIN US. Then tell us if you would like us to get you a prayer partner, to send you our DVD and other prayer tools or if you would like to join our Incognito Prayer Team and pray for someone in Hollywood who you love, you are concerned about or whom you want to see God touch his/her life. We'll do everything we can to encourage you to pray for the people, the projects and the issues of Hollywood, the world's most influential mission field. For we believe that prayer for Hollywood will bring cultural revival.
Karen Covell
Founding Director of HPN